Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC) offers English language training ranging from basic literacy to LINC 5 levels. The LINC Program concentrates on the language skills you need for integrating into community life and work in Canada, specifically listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. You can develop your English language proficiency at the level you need and progress at your own rate. These government-sponsored classes (Citizenship and Immigration Canada and Government of Yukon Advanced Education) are free of charge for Canadian Citizens, refugees, permanent residents, Yukon Nominees, and individuals with work permits.
Canada has two official languages: English and French. It is important that as you transition into life in your new country, that you speak one or both of these languages. This will help you when you apply for a job, to interact with co-workers, to fill out forms and paperwork and even to communicate with your children as they will learn English in school.
To determine participation in the language program, individuals will be assessed using the Canadian Language Benchmark Placement Test (CLBPT). This will provide information on the language proficiency/level of the immigrant. Assessments are held on a weekly basis by appointment only. A fee may be applicable.
To enroll for English Classes (ESL) and to schedule an English Language Assessment contact:
Multicultural Centre of the Yukon
4141 4th Avenue
Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 1J1
Telephone: +1 867 667 6205
Toll-Free: +1 844 667 6205
Send us an email